Summary PsychoSynthesis demonstrates the relationship between feeling (energy), action and speech (substance), thought and consciousness (light), and imagination and will (force), and hypothesizes that energy, substance, light, and force have dual orientations. The positive orientation obtains through heavy things made heavy (transpersonalizing feelings and action and speech) and light things

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Tertiary Education and Human Capital Development

Summary ABOUT THE AUTHOR Dr. Ilongo Fritz Ngale is a Senior Lecturer in Educational Psychology and Guidance and Counselling with the University of Eswatini. His research interests include: philosophies of education, workplace bullying, dispute management, and conflict resolution, gender-based violence, and African counseling approaches. Epilogue Tertiary Education and Human Capital

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La saison des lumières

Summary Les pas se hâtent d’avancer Devancés par le temps relatif Natif inconscient de l’espace sans extase Se forgeant la carapace écrasante Craignant de se faire face De taire le règne des incertitudes certifiées Se fiant aux borgnes et aux manchots Bonnes des cachots Tuant l’esprit de l’homme Épris par

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Summary En découvrant et en savourant le long poème en vers libres de Ilongo Fritz Ngale, le lecteur traverse sa propre vie liée à l’universalisme de l’être humain et l’Être Suprême. Les trois parties se suivent, s’imbriquent et se complètent, un peu comme si le passé a son influence et

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Christ on the Roof of Africa: Poeticizing 150 Years of Catholicism in Lesotho (1862 – 2012). Golden Series Publishers (PTY) LTD

Epilogue It is a truism to say that literature generally recreates the human condition, yet, since time immemorial, having been commissioned or simply acting out of their own volition, writers have written pieces or collections of literacy output marking special or unique occasions.  We may call this creative imagination occasional

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Fingers of Dawn. Kindle Direct Publishing

Epilogue In an era where the Western Canon has lost favour and literary judgment is relativised, Ilongo Fritz Ngale’s Fingers of Dawn is an enriching collection of poems imbued with the existential subtleties and enigmas of human life and experience. The form and content of the poems go beyond the

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Etrange ère et autres poèmes – Vers en crise.

Préface La présente anthologie poétique est le fruit de l’appel à contributions pour un ouvrage collectif que j’ai lancé en avril 2020, en pleine phase de cristallisation de la crise sanitaire planétaire, sous le titre : « Écrire sous l’influence de la covid-19 ou le devoir de témoignage : relire

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